Abutilon Megapotamicum (Chinese Lantern) チロリアンランプ(浮釣木)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

They are abutilon megapotamicum or commonly Chinese lantern. I found these 2cm tall red lanterns on December 29, 2020. 

 Abutilon megapotamicum チロリアンランプ(アブチロン)

Commonly known as Chinese lantern 浮釣木(ウキツリボク)

Hide and seek かくれんぼ。。。

Chinese lanterns generally flower from spring to summer in Japan, but I saw these red lanterns at the end of December. They may be another evidence of global warming in addition to a heart-shaped hydrangea I saw also at the end of December last year...   

Abutilon megapotamicum is commonly called "Tyrolean lamp" in Japan. I googled where the name came from, but couldn't find it.

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チロリアンランプです。アブチロンとも言うそうです。英語だと「Chinese lantern(中国灯篭)」。ランプといい、灯篭といい、連想させるものは万国共通ですね。


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