Peony Peony Peony in Tokyo!! 今年も上野牡丹園に行きました!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The Japanese government will declare a state of emergency in several days, so I went to the Ueno Peony Garden before declaration.

Shima daijin 島大臣

I enjoyed more than 20 types of peonies (27 types last year, though) whose colors vary ranging from white, yellow, pink and red to purple, but these peonies have something in common. They are all gorgeous and that gorgeousness was overwhelming and moved me, who generally prefer roadside flowers for their strength that allows the small inconspicuous flowers to survive harsh environments as opposed to these peonies protected from frost with straw capes.

You may wonder why purple kale is planted in the peony garden. This is because the kale is called in Japan "leaf peony" after the similarity of their leaf/petal appearance. The leaf cabbage is used in Japan for New Year ornaments.

Not only the peonies but the five story pagoda of Kan'eiji temple nearby viewed from the garden against the blue sky was beautiful, which made me resolved to keep fighting Covid-19 this year!! 

Of these peonies, my favorite is Kamata fuji. (Scroll down to see the photo!) I hope you also enjoy the following more than 20 types of peonies and find your favorite!!! 

Shikoden 紫紅殿

Shikoden 紫紅殿

Shima nishiki 島錦

Shima nishiki 島錦

Shima nishiki 島錦

This is also Shima nihsiki これも島錦

This is Shima nihsiki, too これも島錦

Taiyo (meaning "the sun") 太陽

Taiyo (meaning "the sun") 太陽

Taiyo (meaning "the sun") 太陽

Taiyo (meaning "the sun") 太陽

Shimazu kurenai 島津紅

Jitsugetsu nishiki 日月錦

Yachiyo tsubaki 八千代椿

Yachiyo tsubaki 八千代椿

Yachiyo tsubaki 八千代椿

Okan (meaning "yellow crown") 黄冠

Okan (meaning "yellow crown") 黄冠

Hyakkaden 百花殿

Daikiko 大喜紅

Imashojo 今猩々

Mikuni no hata 御国の旗

Mikuni no hata 御国の旗

Koyo 向陽

Shin shichifukujin (meaning "new Seven Lucky Gods") 新七福神

Shima no fuji 島の藤

Kirin tsukasa 麒麟司

Kirin tsukasa 麒麟司

Kao 花王

Iso no nami 磯の波

Iso no nami 磯の波

Toseihaku 渡世白

Akashigata 明石潟

Kifujin (meaning "lady") 貴婦人

Hoki 芳紀

Kamata fuji 鎌田藤

Shinnichigetsu 新日月

Renkaku 連鶴

A straw cape protects peony from frost 霜から守る藁囲い

Garden entrance 入口

Five-story pagoda of Kan'eiji temple from the garden

Purple kale is used in Japan for New Year decoration 葉牡丹

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去年も行きましたが、その時はもちろんコロナなんて想像もせず。。。 でも牡丹は何度見てもきれいです。普段は道端の花の方が好きなのですが、やはり牡丹の豪華絢爛さには圧倒されました。全部で20種類以上はあったでしょうか(去年は27種類)。



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