Pink Prunus Mume (Japanese Apricot) ピンクの梅

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are pink prunus mume or Japanese apricot at Ueno Peony Garden in Tokyo. 

Pink prunus mume at Ueno Peony Garden 上野東照宮の梅

Japanese apricot flowers at Ueno Peony Garden 梅ってアプリコット?

Bright pink and blue ピンクが濃い!

I went to the garden on January 4 to see peonies, and in addition to more than 20 types of peonies, I found wintersweet and this Japanese apricot. 

What surprised me most (of course in a good way!) is its bright pink color, which was so beautiful that I reached for the flowers to take photos of them from close up. My arms got sore a few hours later...😂  

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