Fighting COVID-19 - Solo Customers Can Save Bars and Restaurants コロナとの共生 - おひとり様が飲食店を救う!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japan has declared the second state of emergency on January 7. The scope this time is a little narrower and more focused than the first one last April, but the main target is the same, i.e., pubs, bars and restaurants. They have been "requested" to close stores at 8 p.m. and stop serving alcohol at 7 p.m. Japanese people generally can't or won't say no to "requests" from the government. One of my favorite restaurants is one such example.     

The government say that the purpose is to prevent the spread of the virus while people are drinking and eating, but this is a wrong means!! And this is where ohitorisama can play an essential role to save pub, bar and restaurant businesses because ohitorisama don't speak while eating. They usually bring books or tablets to read while eating and drinking.

Ohitorisama literally means "one person or a person by him/herself," but generally means "lonely" unmarried women (in a derogatory manner) or these days, solo female customers at pubs, bars, or restaurants, or travelling by themselves. (Read this for a more detailed definition and a funny tragedy😂 which happened to an ohitorisama friend of mine!)   

So, I've made a proposal to my husband, i.e., taking a walk together during which we can talk but as soon as entering a restaurant, becoming two ohitorisama or solo customers (though my husband is a male...). Furthermore, how about restaurants change seating so that only solo customers can be there? Is it too extreme? Or is eating by yourself without speaking to anybody suck😠?

As a long-term experienced ohitorisama (I'm now married but whether single or married, everyone is alone [not necessarily lonely!!]), I can say with confidence that this is a very good opportunity to learn how to enjoy solitude and think about what you are and what you want to savor your life. 
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えっ、一人で食べる、誰とも話さないなんてやってらんない!?あま~い😠 人間みな一人。孤独(loneliness)ではなく、一人の豊かな時間(solitude)の中で「自分とは何か」、「何が欲しいのか」をじっくり考えてはいかがでしょう?!

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