Onishime - Traditional Japanese New Year Food🎌 お煮しめ作りました🎌

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Happy New Year! To celebrate the New Year and because of no choice but to stay at home😂, I made onishime, i.e., simmered vegetables. It's been a while since I last made this traditional Japanese New Year food.    

Onishime - simmered vegetables お煮しめ

Served this way! 盛り付けました!

The ingredients are as follows:
- Taro
- Lotus
- Carrot
- Shiitake mushroom
- Burdock root
- Mangetout pea

Generally, bamboo shoots and konjac are also used, but I didn't use them just because I forgot buying them....😅

Onishime doesn't contain any fat because all these ingredients are just simmered slowly in konbu dashi broth (without being stir-fried) only with sake, salt and soy sauce for one hour. I also made kuromame, sweet black soybeans, i.e., another traditional Japanese New Year food, which took me 12 hours to make. Both are stay-at-home (but yummy) effects!!😋

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お煮しめ作りました。ステイホームなので😂、昆布だしをとりました。作った後に筍とこんにゃくを買い忘れたことに気付きましたが「まっいいか。。。」ということでできたのが写真のお煮しめです😋 最後にさやえんどうを添えて盛り付けました。


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