Netsuke "Octopus" - Is Octopus An Insect? 根付「蛸」- 蛸はなぜ虫偏?

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is "Octopus," a netsuke carved by Hosen Miyazawa from ivory. I saw this last year at Tokyo National Museum.

"Octopus" by Hosen Miyazawa, ivory 宮澤宝泉作「蛸」象牙

"Octopus" is "蛸" in Chinese character in Japan, and there is something wrong with this character, that is, the left half of this character "虫" means an INSECT🐛. Why does "octopus" contain INSECT (虫)?

One explanation is that "an octopus (蛸) was once classified into the "insect (虫)" category because:
- an octopus was called "sea spider" as it looks to have eight "legs" as does the spider; and
- a spider🕷was believed to be an insect (虫), which is wrong, though.

Another explanation is that "虫" actually means not only insects🐛 (which is currently more common, though), but fish🐟, shellfish🐚, snakes🐍(蛇), shrimps🦐 (蝦), and frogs/toads🐸(蛙). OMG😲, I didn't know that.....

If you love netsuke, I'm pretty sure you will enjoy the netsuke sculptures listed below!
Netsuke "Nue" (Legendary Monster😱)
- Netsuke "Fukurokuju"

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蛸ってどうして虫偏なの? というわけでぐぐってみました。すると
1. 「蛸🐙」は昔「蜘蛛🕷」を意味し、「海の蛸」と呼ばれ、それが単に「蛸」になった。
2. 「虫」は虫だけでなく、鱗介類(魚🐟や貝🐚)も意味する。


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