Stupid Japan - Infertility Treatment Should Not Be Priority 不妊治療保険適用の優先順位

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Japanese people like new things. They prefer building new houses to renovating old properties and buying puppies and kittens to rescuing adult ones from shelters. Needless to say, child adoption is out of the question even if the child is newborn.   

So, the Japanese government's decision to change the national health insurance program to cover infertility treatments to reverse its shrinking and ageing population by raising the fertility rate, didn't surprise me, but this won't achieve their ultimate goal, that is, productivity improvement. Now Japan needs to not help unborn children but provide existing children with more opportunities to help them maximize their strengths.  

The support for already existing children, in particular those of of single mother households, is far from enough. Average annual income per capita of such households in 2016 is about USD 11,000, nearly half of that of all households according to the latest survey by the Health Ministry in 2017. Covid-19 has been making the situation worse. 

In other words, Japan is willing to spend taxpayers' money for someone who doesn't exist or may not come into existence while paying little attention to existing children who are in need and who mostly have no choice but to give up going to colleges only for financial reasons. THIS IS WRONG.  

Japan is small with almost no natural resources, so its only chance to improve productivity, which is what the Japanese government has been desperately advocating in recent years, is to support children who have no choices just because they were born into families with less financial resources and therefore cannot receive higher education.     
Japanese news shows currently focus on whether to hold, postpone or cancel ceremonies to be held on the Coming of Age Day next Monday, which are generally attended by those coming of age in kimono or special occasion dress, i.e., the haves. But the focus should be on have-not children who cannot afford kimono but are eager to enter higher education. 

Now you see why I said Japan is a stupid country....  

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厚生労働省の資料によると、全世帯一人当たりの平均所得は 2,195,000円なのに、母子家庭は 1,122,000円。 コロナで状況は悪化しています。



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