Not Berries But Flowers of Crepe Myrtle are Pretty! 百日紅は花もかわいい!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I found these clusters of small white flowers pretty, wondering what they were recently, and often stopped to look at them closely, and yesterday I noticed yellow stamens surrounded by the white petals. The combination of the white and yellow is so beautiful against the blue sky...
White petals surrounding yellow stamens

So beautiful against blue sky! 青空に映える!

Then, I noticed a tree tag "crepe myrtle." Wow, are they crepe myrtle flowers? The tree whose berries I wrote about in March? How silly I am. I didn't notice...

Not only are the flowers beautiful but the berries are cute, and its two Japanese names are interesting. I like crepe myrtle even more!

If you want to see the cute berries and/or know the origin of its Japanese names, "monkeys slip" and "red for one hundred days," read this post, too!

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Cutleaf Evening Primrose Changes Color When Aged 小待宵草(コマツヨイグサ)も色が変わる

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is cutleaf evening primrose I found on a roadside while walking.

Cutleaf evening primrose コマツヨイグサ

The pale yellow is so pretty
小待宵草 薄黄色が可憐

The pale yellow, which makes it look so fragile, stopped me, but the flower fades orange, pink, or red with age according to Wikipedia, so I decided to observe this pretty flower until I would see the color fading. And then a week later, I found the orange and pale red ones below.

Faded orange? オレンジになっちゃった?

Almost dead? 枯れちゃった?

It seems to have eight petals, but actually four heart-shaped petals.

In Japan, cutleaf evening primrose is called "small flower waiting for evening," a pretty and similar name to the English one.

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ちなみに英語では「cutleaf evening primrose(葉っぱに切れ込みがある夕暮れプリムローズ)」。「小待宵草」と何となく似てませんか?

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Agate Goldfish & Jadeite Carp 瑪瑙金魚と碧玉鯉

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Do you know what these red (orange) things are?

They are opening their mouths! 口パクパク!

Agate goldfish 瑪瑙金魚

They are 15 goldfish strung together, carved from agate in the 19th century during the Qing dynasty, on show at the Toyokan Asian gallery of Tokyo National Museum!! Every fish is opening their mouths, which is so kawaii, making me smile.

Goldfish are symbol of wealth in China, but to me, their funny expressions and the color orange are more intriguing!

The gallery has another but the same type of sculpture below, a carp-shaped vase carved from a "single" piece of dark green and white jade, also in the 19th century under the Qing dynasty. Carp are a symbol of promotion and success in China.

Flower vase in shape of carp 碧白玉双鯉花器

Both are called "shoshoku" sculptures in Japan, i.e., sculptures carved out of stones while maximizing their original colors, i.e., in this case, red, and dark green and white, the original color of agate and jade. The National Palace Museum in Taipei also has this type of sculpture, Jadeite Cabbage.

Not only beauty in Chinese art but also the masterful skills of artisans always amazes me, giving me the strength to keep going.

If you are interested in agate pomegranate, read this, too!

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Hong Kong Dogwood vs. American Dogwood トキワヤマボウシとハナミズキ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first thought they were American (or flowering) dogwood, but the tag nearby read "Hong Kong dogwood."

Hong Kong dogwood トキワヤマボウシ

It's evergreen 常盤山法師

Hong Kong dogwood is, as the name suggests, native to China, flowering from June to July while American dogwood being native to North America, blooming from April to May.

The shape of bracts (which look like petals but are not) is also different. Hong Kong dogwood's have sharp edges while American dogwood bracts are notch-tipped. (See below!)

White American dogwood

But even so, Hong Kong and American dogwoods are in the same family as their names suggest. It doesn't sound like that, however, when they are called in Japanese....

American dogwood is called "flower, water and tree" in Japanese because the tree needs a lot of water when forming buds in spring and its flowers are conspicuous, while on the other hand, Hong Kong dogwood is called "evergreen Buddhist monk" by comparing the head (or capitulum) of the flower to the head of a monk of the Hieizan (Mt. Hiei) Enryakuji temple and the four bracts surrounding the capitulum to his hood.

A dogwood flower seems to have four petals, but they are actually not petals, but modified leaves called bracts that surround a cluster of tiny yellow/green flowers.

If you are interested in red and creamy white American dogwood flowers, read "Red, White and Creamy White Flowering Dogwood," too!

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トキワヤマボウシ Hong Kong dogwood
ハナミズキ    American dogwood / flowering dogwood





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Jaki Demons Shore Up Large Bronze Flower Vase for 1873 Vienna World Exposition 頼光大江山入図大花瓶

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Do you know who they are?

Jaki demons 邪鬼

They are also called "akki" 悪鬼

They are jaki demons, demon like creatures in Japanese folklore. And if you've come to Japan and seen the statues of the four heavenly kings in some Buddhist temples, you must have seen them without realizing it because these demons are often trampled by the four kings. And I like them much more than Buddha, kings, gods, or deities.....

Bronze flower vase for 1873 Vienna World Exposition

This is a large bronze flower vase made in 1872 by Takashige Yokoyama (father) and Yazaemon Yokoyama (son) for the Vienna World Exposition in 1873, and at its foot, these demons shore up the upper part of this 1.3-meter high superb vase.

But no matter how beautiful the vase is, I can't help but look at not the vase itself but these "kawaii" jaki or akki demons!!

So, if you have a chance to come to Japan (after COVID-19) and see statues of the four heavenly kings, please take a look at these poor jaki demons... Neglected or abused children become violent and maybe this is true of these demons, too.

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Coppertips 姫檜扇水仙(ヒメヒオウギスイセン)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The color orange of these small flowers was so vivid, catching my eye!

Coppertips ヒメヒオウギスイセン

Montbretia 姫檜扇水仙

I first thought that these were orange plantain lilies or orange hyacinth orchids, but I was wrong. They are coppertips or montbretias, neither lilies nor orchids, but that doesn't matter because the orange is so beautiful.

In Japanese, it's called "princess cypress fan narcissus" although it's not narcissus but because its bulbs look like those of narcissus. Cypress fans were used in the Imperial Court, so I assumed that the plant was native to Japan, but it's (or more specifically, its parents are) from South Africa. Judging people or flowers based on their looks or names is wrong..... 

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不正解! 南アフリカ原産(厳密には両親が南アフリカ出身)です。名前や見かけだけで決めつけちゃだめですね。。。

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Spiderwort 紫露草(ムラサキツユクサ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The combination of purple and yellow caught my eye. This is spiderwort. The color combination of purple and yellow is so beautiful, isn't it?

Spiderwort ムラサキツユクサ

And this (below) is Asiatic dayflower. The combination of blue and yellow is also beautiful.

Asiatic dayflower ツユクサ

Purple and yellow (or blue and yellow under different criteria) are complementary colors, which I'd heard of, but didn't know what they exactly meant, so I googled.

According to Wikipedia, "Complementary colors are pairs of colors which, when combined or mixed, cancel each other out (lose hue) by producing a grayscale color like white or black... Complementary colors can create some striking optical effects." Wow, that explains why I was so attracted to these small flowers on roadsides.

Other complementary color combinations include:
- Green and red
- Orange and blue

And this also explains why I found Sun Parasol crimson (below) so beautiful recently - it has the "green and red" combination! This made me decide to look for a flower in another combination of orange and blue!!

Sun parasol crimson サンパラソル

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Figure of Juro (God of Longevity) 色絵寿老置物

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is "Figure of Juro or the god of longevity" I saw at Tokyo National Museum. And do you know what this means?

Juro or god of longevity 寿老神

Yes!! I went to the museum last Saturday for the first time in nearly five months, and also that was my first experience of the "new normal."

Firstly, all visitors have to make bookings because that's a new rule. I booked a slot from 10:30 a.m. Secondly, the body temperature of all visitors is checked. Thirdly, the general admission fee has been raised since April from JPY620 to JPY1,000.

The exhibition was not perfect, i.e., more than half of the museum was still closed, but it was definitely worthwhile visiting because I found this "kawaii" figure of one of the Japanese seven lucky gods! This is a pottery figure of Juro, a god of longevity, in the mid-19th century by Dohachi Ninnami, a prominent Kyoto ware potter (1783-1855). Dohachi is famous for making various tea ceremony bowls, but this figure is also a masterpiece.

If you are interested in the Japanese seven lucky gods, see the table below!

If you want to see a netsuke carving of another long-headed god "Fukurokuju (7. in the table)," read "Kawaii Netsuke Jedi"!
Descriptions of Japanese seven lucky gods
Home country
1. Benzaiten 弁財天 (only goddess)
Benzaiten (弁才天 or 弁財天) has her origin in Hinduism. She is the only goddess, representing financial fortune, talent, beauty and music, and the patron of artists, writers, dancers, and geisha.
2. Daikokuten 大黒天
Daikokuten (大黒天) is the god of commerce and prosperity and the patron of cooks, farmers, bankers, and the protector of crops. He is also considered a demon hunter.
3. Ebisu ゑびす
Ebisu (恵比寿), the only god who originates in Japan, is the god of prosperity and wealth in business, and of plenitude and abundance in crops, cereals and food.
4. Bishamonten 毘沙門天
Bishamonten (毘沙門天) whose origin is traced back to Hinduism, is the god of fortune in war and battles and the protector of those who follow the rules and behave appropriately.
5. Hotei 布袋
Hotei (布袋) is the god of fortune, the guardian of children, and the patron of diviners and barmen. He is also the god of popularity and often depicted as a fat, smiling, bald man with a curly mustache.
6. Jurojin 寿老神
Jurojin (寿老人) is the god of the elderly and longevity in Japanese Buddhist mythology, based on a real person who lived in ancient times and was about six feet tall with a very long head and a long white beard.
7. Fukurokuju 福禄寿
Fukurokuju (福禄寿) has his origin in China. He is the god of wisdom, luck, longevity, wealth and happiness and characterized by the size of his head almost as large as the size of his whole body.

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Purple and White Lilies of the Nile 紫と白のアガパンサス

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Recently I've been seeing lilies of the Nile or African lilies everywhere in my neighborhood.

Lily of the Nile 紫君子蘭

African lily アガパンサス

I first noticed the flower several years ago, but I didn't know what the flower was until my "flower" teacher told me its name. Since then, I have enjoyed this purple flower every year in June. I like its color purple and the flower (cluster) shape.

But today I found something! A WHITE lily of the Nile surrounded by purple ones!!

A white lily of the Niles 白いアガパンサス

A white African lily 飛び出てました

Did you know that a lily of the Nile can be white? I was so surprised that I googled (as usual!) and found the following!

"..... Known commonly as ‘Lily of the Nile,’ Agapanthus form attractive clumps of narrow, strap-shaped leaves, but the real show begins in midsummer, when the large, showy flower clusters form at the end of tall stems. The blossoms commonly come in shades of blue or purple, but also are available in white and pink..." (underlined by Narujima)
Source: Seattle Times

What!! This lily (which actually is wrong because a lily of the Nile isn't a lily!) is not only purple or white, but also PINK!!  My journey to pink lilies of the Nile has just begun!!

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Loquats and My Childhood Adventure 枇杷の思い出 

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These are loquats or Japanese medlars or Japanese plums, and they brought back fond memories of my childhood....

Loquats 枇杷

Japanese medlars or plums 枇杷

When I was a second-grader, I lived in a town in southern Japan where there were many wild Amanatsu orange and loquat trees. One day I and my baby brother decided to go on a loquat picnic - just the two of us. I got up early and prepared lunch boxes, and after breakfast, we left home for a place with many loquat trees a few kilometers away. As soon as we got there, we started picking these orange fruits, and after that, had lunch there while talking about the harvest that day, i.e., about 20 fresh big loquats, and brought them home.

Looking back, however, something is bugging me. Were these loquat trees wild? Might they be planted trees in a loquat farm? I remember a couple of people there staring at us, not saying anything...

Now I'm pretty sure that that was a loquat farm and they were loquat farmers who were kind enough to let local kids pick the loquats they'd grown without saying anything....

I no longer remember exactly where that was, but these orange round fruits reminded me of this small adventure, which I had completely forgotten until I saw them.

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Mussaenda Parviflora 崑崙花(コンロンカ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

These small yellow flowers are Mussaenda parviflora.

Mussaenda parviflora flowers 崑崙花の花

Snow white sepals 崑崙花の萼

Before blooming 花が咲く前

Yellow flowers and white sepals

The plant's uniqueness is its snow white sepals, which caught my eye a week ago. At that time it didn't bloom yet, but a week later, I found tiny star-shaped yellow flowers surrounded by the white sepals.

Mussaenda parviflora has two Japanese names, "Kunlun Mountains flower" and "handkerchief flower." The first name "Kunlun Mountains flower" is to compare its sepals to snow on the mountains while the second one, "handkerchief flower," is because of its sepals looking like handkerchiefs.

"Kunlun Mountains" reminded me of "Kunlun jade (Konron no gyoku)," a historical fiction about Chinese men travelling to the mountains to collect jade, by Japanese author Yasushi Inoue (1907-1991), and then an incense burner carved from jade in the 19th century during the Qing dynasty and many other beautiful artefacts at Tokyo National Museum.

I really miss the things I took for granted before COVID-19.....

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崑崙花を見て、崑崙山 ⇒ 崑崙の玉(井上靖)⇒ 翡翠香炉 ⇒ 東京国立博物館 と連想が進みました。コロナの前、東京国立博物館によく行ってました。当時当たり前のように考えていたことが、今となっては懐かしいです。

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Feijoa and A Jerk フェイジョアと勘違い野郎

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Can you see something green in the photo below? That's a feijoa fruit which I found several days ago and which taught me an important lesson: LOOSE LIPS SINK SHIP.

Feijoa flower and fruit フェイジョアの実

Pineapple guava flower and fruit

That day, at around 6 a.m., I was looking for feijoa or pineapple guava fruits. I had first seen feijoa flowers and written about them early June and at that time, the feijoa trees didn't bear fruits. So, that morning, I was in front of the trees, looking for the fruits when barked by a toy poodle.....

A little surprised, but I ignored it, keeping looking for the fruits. I don't like toy poodles so much and besides, I was enjoying the solitude. But the owner, a man in his 50s or 60s, coming to me and telling the dog as if he had been speaking to a baby, "Come here. She's looking at flowers!" This got me into an awkward position that I had to say something to him.

So, I said, "This is feijoa," which put me in a more awkward position because he said "I KNOW," bossily, completely different attitude toward the dog.  

OMG🤐! Is he a Japanese jerk, i.e., a male in his 50s or older with an inflated ego who can't have a casual chat with anyone, always speaking in a condescending manner to those younger than himself and his wife? It's easy to tell such a jerk in Japan because they don't use honorific expression, such as "desu" or "masu," to those younger or women (even if they are complete strangers), although changing the way they speak when talking to someone senior to him or of a higher position... 

Fortunately, however, I know how to deal with such men - keep talking! Because these men don't like talkative and assertive women. And I was right. When I started to talk more about feijoa, such that it has another name, "pineapple guava" and its fruits taste like pineapple, apple and mint, blah, blah, blah, he got irritated, starting again to say something to not me but the dog and walked away....

A lesson learned. Going forward, I WILL KEEP MY MOUTH SHUT to ensure that my precious early morning time won't be ruined.

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実は私、トイプードルをあまり好きではありません。しかも結構集中して実を探してました。なのでスルーしてたら飼い主の男性が寄って来て「だめだめ、お花見てるんだから」とそのトイプーに赤ちゃん言葉で話し始めたんです。あ~あと思ったのですが、何か言わなくちゃ失礼だと思い「これフェイジョアっていうんです」と言いました。そしたら「知ってるよ🤨怒!」 態度激変😠

は~、やってもうた。。。 いるんですよね、こういう「目下(女子供)の者」に常に「上から目線」で話す人。でも大丈夫。私知ってるんです、対処法。黒柳徹子になって、向こうが逃げるまで話し続けるんです。ですから言いました。「それでですね、パイナップルグアバとも言いまして、パイナップルとリンゴとミントの味がするんです。。。 ペラペラペラ」そしたら大成功! また犬に話し始めて、行って(逃げて🤪)しまいました。


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Yellow and Pink Lilies 黄色とピンクのユリ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I didn't realize that it's been the lily season, but seeing lilies of various colors, Blackout red, Thunberg orange, and the yellow, pale pink and bright pink in the photos below made me aware of that.

Yellow 黄色

Battered by strong wind 風でなぎ倒されてました

Pale pink 薄ピンク

Bright pink 濃いピンク

Lilies and blue sky ユリと空

Lily is "yuri or 'ゆり'" in Japanese hiragana characters and "百合" in Chinese characters.

The hiragama name "yuri" was given after the term "yusuri," meaning shaking or trembling, because lilies shake and/or tremble in the wind as their stems are thin but the flowers are big.

The Chinese name "百合" on the other hand means that "many (百*)" scales "overlap (合)" each other. (Source: LOVEGREEN)
* "百" literally means hundred.

Lily bulbs are edible, often steamed, sauteed or deep-fried (i.e., tempura), and their season is from November to February. So if you have a chance to come to Japan after COVID-19 is over, don't miss eating lily bulb or "yurine" TEMPURA, my favorite way to cook lily bulbs!   

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6月って百合の季節だったんですね。 真っ赤なブラックアウトユリや、オレンジのスカシユリの後に、黄色、薄ピンク、濃いピンクのユリも見つけました。



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Hyacinth Orchid 紫蘭

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I took these pictures in May, but have disregarded them. I had many other more conspicuous flowers to write about, such as red hydrangeas, popcorn hydrangeasBlackout lilies (deep red), and lilium maculatum Thunberg (orange).

Hyacinth orchid 紫蘭

Or Chinese ground orchid シラン

But plantain lilies I saw early June reminded me of these forgotten hyacinth orchids or Chinese ground orchids. Although plantain lilies (below) are pale pink while hyacinth orchids deep pink, the shapes of their petals and leaves resemble each other, don't they?
Plantain lilies are pale pink

Speaking of color, hyacinth orchid is called also "rosy" or "pink" hyacinth orchid, but in Japanese "purple orchid." What color do you think hyacinth orchid is?

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紫蘭、英語では「ローズ色のヒヤシンス蘭("rosy" hyacinth orchid)とか「ピンク色のヒヤシンス蘭("pink" hyacinth orchid)」と言います。あなたにはピンク、紫、どちらに見えますか😉?

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Ayesha Bigleaf Hydrangea 渦紫陽花(ポップコーン紫陽花)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

First, my apologies... I said in a previous post that that post was the last one about hydrangea this year. But I couldn't resist the urge to write another post again, this time about this uniquely kawaii hydrangea!

A cluster of whirlpools! 渦潮だらけ!

Ayesha bigleaf hydrangea 渦紫陽花

Called also "popcorn hydrangea"

This is Ayesha bigleaf hydrangea or popcorn hydrangea. Either way, these names well represent the flower's unique prettiness.

Surprisingly, Ayesha bigleaf hydrangea is a mutation of lacecap hydrangea caused by virus infection. Okay, so that means viruses sometimes do good....

Ayesha bigleaf hydrangea is called "whirlpool hydrangea" in Japanese because the sepals look like whirlpools.  

Read the following posts, too, about other types of hydrangeas!
- Oakleaf hydrangea
- Red Mophead Hydrangea
- Lacecap Hydrangea Colors Change
- Mophead Hydrangea
- Lacecap Hydrangea
- White and Lime Green Hydrangeas
- Round Ball Shaped Hydrangeas

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- Oakleaf hydrangea 柏葉紫陽花
- Red Mophead Hydrangea 赤い紫陽花
- Lacecap Hydrangea Colors Change 額紫陽花の七変化
- Mophead Hydrangea 丸い紫陽花は「もじゃもじゃヘア」
- Lacecap Hydrangea ガクアジサイ
- White and Lime Green Hydrangeas 白とライムグリーンの紫陽花

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Round Ball Shaped Hydrangeas こんもり紫陽花がいっぱい!

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've already written several posts about hydrangeas, but couldn't resist the temptation to write another one, this time with a special focus on ball shaped ones!!

Round red こんもり赤

Ball-shaped pink こんもりピンク

Round blue purple こんもり青紫

A bit distorted ball shaped one with color changing

Ball shaped white "June bride"!

"Round ball shaped" is "konmori" in Japanese, and I realized something while writing. How is "konmori" written in Chinese characters?

"Konmori" is "こんもり" in Japanese hiragara characters, but I have never used or seen the term written in Chinese characters, so I googled and what I found on this website surprised me. 

"Konmori" is 蓊欝 ! Can you write it? I'm Japanese, but even I can't read or write it! So, in Chinese characters, a round ball shaped hydrangea is "蓊欝紫陽花"😵.....

Read the following posts about other various types of hydrangeas, too!

Oakleaf hydrangea

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こんもり感が何とも言えません。と書いていてふと思いました。「こんもり」って何? ググったらこちらのサイトに「こんもり」は「蓊欝」と書くとありました。えーっ!! 読めません。書けません。。。😵 まあでも、こんもりとした紫陽花をどうぞお楽しみください!


Oakleaf hydrangea 柏葉紫陽花

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Rose-Gold Pussy Willow (Salix Gracilistyla) ネコヤナギ(猫柳)

英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I've heard of the plant many times but actually saw one for the first time. This is a rose-gold pussy willow (Salix graci...