Bletilla Striata (Hyacinth Orchid) 紫蘭(シラン)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is bletilla striata, or commonly hyacinth orchid or Chinese ground orchid in the garden of the Parliamentary Museum in Tokyo and in my neighborhood. The pinkish purple against the green leaves is so beautiful. 

Bletilla striata in the Parliamentary Museum 憲政記念館の紫蘭

Hyacinth orchid in the Parliamentary Museum 憲政記念館にて

Chinese ground orchid in the Parliamentary Museum 憲政記念館にて

In the Parliamentary Museum 憲政記念館にて

In the Parliamentary Museum 憲政記念館にて

In my neighborhood 近所の紫蘭

In my neighborhood 近所の紫蘭

No matter where they are, Chinese ground orchids are so conspicuous that nobody would overlook them. In the Parliamentary Museum, you can learn how the parliamentary system in Japan has developed from pictures of, and letters by, Japanese politicians and enjoy such flowers as azalea, cherry, dogwood, and these orchids. Admission charge is free. It's definitely my recommendation. 

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In my neighborhood 近所の紫蘭

In my neighborhood 近所の紫蘭

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