Pseudocydonia Sinensis (Chinese Quince) Fruit 花梨(カリン)の実

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

About a week ago, I wrote about the flowers of pseudocydonia sinensis (Chinese quince), and now I'm writing about the fruits of Chinese quince.  

A pseudocydonia sinensis or Chinese quince fruit 花梨の実

Still green まだ青い実

Last year I saw yellow fruits hanging from a tree at Tokyo National Museum. At that time, I didn't know what they were until someone standing next to me and also looking at the fruits said they were Chinese quinces. Since then, I've been wanting to see the flowers and fruits again, and that dream has come true in an unexpected place, i.e., in my neighborhood. 

Chinese quinces are often used to make jam, which isn't yellow, but beautiful reddish orange!! The trees fruit in November. I'm already looking forward to making quince jam😋!

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花梨ジャムってありますよね。ググってみたら黄色ではなくきれいな赤オレンジ色になるそうです! 実が生るのは11月頃。今からジャム作りが楽しみです😋

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