Viburnum Plicatum (Japanese Snowball) 大手毬(オオデマリ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I first thought that they were "silly" hydrangeas flowering too early. I took many pictures of them, went home and started writing about them, then I found it. It wasn't them but me who was silly. They aren't hydrangeas but viburnum plicatum or Japanese snowball!
Viburnum plicatum 大手毬

Japanese snowball オオデマリ

The color changes from lime green to white ライムグリーンから白に変化する

The white flowers are older than the green ones 白の方が年上 

The lime green color is beautiful! ライムグリーンがきれい!

White ones are also beautiful! 白もきれい!

The thing is that I made the same mistake last May, too, i.e., writing about the flowers which I believed were white/lime green hydrangeas, but which actually were Japanese snowball, and I didn't notice that until now... How stupid of me😂!!

Japanese snowball and Gioiko cherry made me realize that green flowers can be as beautiful as or more beautiful than those in other colors! Japanese snowball and Gioiko cherry blossoms are both green first, but Japanese snowball change to white while Gioko cherry blossoms to red as time goes by. They not only are beautiful but also have made my morning walk more fun by showing their gradual color change every morning!! Now I want to see Annabelle hydrangea, i.e., real white hydrangeas!!

Almost in full bloom ほぼ満開

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大手毬(オオデマリ)です。最初「白い紫陽花(アナベル)か~、咲くの早過ぎでしょ、もうおバカさん」と思っていたらオオデマリでした。馬鹿なのは私😂 しかも去年全く同じ間違いをして一年気付かなかったという大馬鹿者です。。。


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The color has been changing... 変色中。。。

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