Capsella Bursa-Pastoris (Shepherd's Purse) 薺(ナズナ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is capsella bursa-pastoris or shepherd's purse. It's so tiny and cawaii! 

Capsella bursa-pastoris 薺

Shepherd's purse ナズナ

Shepherd's purse is known in Japan as one of the following seven herbs used to make seven-herb rice porridge eaten on January 7:
  • Oenanthe javanica or water celery
  • Shepherd's purse
  • Pseudognaphalium affine
  • Stellaria media or chickweed
  • Lapsana or nipplewort
  • Turnip
  • Daikon radish
The seven-herb rice porridge was eaten to ward off evil, but now rather to detox or do a short fast to reset your gut after eating too many osechi dishes during the New Year Holiday in Japan. I make rice porridge (though without the seven herbs) twice a week, i.e., for Saturday and Sunday breakfasts, for not me but my husband, whose stomach is a bottomless pit!!!

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ちなみに英語では実の形が似ていることから「Shepherd's Purse(羊飼いの財布)」と呼ばれています。これまた可愛いです!

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