Trifolium Dubium (Lesser Trefoil) 米粒詰草(コメツブツメクサ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

This is trifolium dubium or lesser trefoil. 

Lesser trefoil with cucumber herb 胡瓜草と一緒に

Trifolium dubium 米粒詰草

Lesser trefoil コメツブツメクサ 

Lesser trefoil has a funny Japanese name "Grain of rice clover" for its tininess, and yes, it's so tiny that if it weren't such bright yellow, nobody would notice it... But even funnier is what the flower means, that is, "let's eat rice!!"😆

Speaking of rice, I prefer brown rice to white one because of its nuttiness and breadiness😋 And brown rice is more nutritious, i.e., 6 times more fiber, 12 times more vitamin E, and 5 times more magnesium than white rice!! Why not try?!  

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