Styrax Japonicus (Japanese Snowbell) エゴノキ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Many small buds were hanging from trees in my neighborhood. They were cream white and didn't much interest me, but one day the trees started to bloom, and the beautiful white color of the flowers caught my eye. They are styrax japonicus or Japanese snowbell.
The flowers hang from the tree 花は木からぶら下がる

Styrax japonicus エゴノキ

Japanese snowbell エゴノキ

They're like bells! 英語名通り「雪の鈴」みたい

The white color is so beautiful 花の白がとってもきれい

The buds also hang from the tree 蕾もぶら下がっている

Its Japanese name is "Bitter taste tree," which isn't interesting at all.... The tree was given this name because the fruits taste bitter. When naming someone or something, maybe we should focus more on positive aspects😁!

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