Double Flowered Clematis 八重咲きのクレマチス

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

The pale purple color caught my eye. This is double-flowered clematis. 

Clematis クレマチス

I live in Tokyo, and Tokyo has many trees and flowers. Most of them are planted by wards, cities and communities, and the place where I found this clematis is not an exception. The residents of apartments in the area have planted Japanese apricot, magnolia and other trees as well as many flowers and plants. The thing is, however, because these apartments are old, they will be demolished to be replaced with high rise apartments, which means these old trees taken care of by them over decades as well as the flowers and plants growing together with these trees, such as daffodils, hibiscuses, hydrangeas, chrysthanthemums and love-in-a-mist, will also be removed. 

I don't know when the redevelopment project will start but just hope these trees and flowers, which have been tended to with love and enjoyed by not only the residents but also neighbors including myself, will be kept so that we can keep enjoying their beauty. 

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