Echium Decaisnei エキウム・デカイスネイ

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Everyone has their preferences but I didn't know insects had, too. These flowers are echium decaisnei. You can see they're very popular among not only hoverflies but ants. 

Echium decaisnei エキウム・デカイスネイ

Echium decaisnei エキウム・デカイスネイ

The shrub is pretty tall! 背高い!

Ants love the flowers, too! アリも大好き!

The white petals with pink/white stamens/pistils are so pretty!

Many hoverflies were hovering! アブがブンブン!

I've seen hoverflies on flowers and leaves many times, but never seen so many of them being that busy collecting nectar and pollen, which must be so delicious😋!! The hoverflies were all wiggling their butts! Cute😆! 

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エキウム・デカイスネイです。アブ君がもう夢中で蜜や花粉と格闘してました。エキウム・デカイスネイの蜜と花粉はそんなにおいしいのね😋 花の中に頭を突っ込んでお尻をフリフリしているアブの姿、とってもかわいかったです😆

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They don't care about me 夢中です

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