Trigonotis Peduncularis 胡瓜草(キュウリグサ)

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

Finally, I was able to see this tiny flower, trigonotis peduncularis or cucumber herb. 

Trigonotis peduncularis 胡瓜草

Cucumber herb isn't forget-me-not 勿忘草ではありません

So tiny ちっちゃいです

I thought that forget-me-nots were the smallest flower until I knew about cucumber herb, but I was wrong. Cucumber herb is about half the size of forget-me-not, i.e., the tiniest flower I've ever seen.

The plant is called in Japanese also "Cucumber plant" because when kneaded, the leaves smell like cucumber.  

Writing about flowers not only deepens my understanding of the flower but also leads me to another similar flower, like bothriospermum tenellum in this case. I look forward to seeing this also tiny cucumber herb's brother or sister😊

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やっと会えました。胡瓜草(キュウリグサ)です。キュウリグサを知るまでは勿忘草が一番ちっちゃいと思っていたのですが、キュウリグサはその半分!名前の通り、葉を揉むと胡瓜の臭いがするそうです。英語でも「cucumber herb」です。


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