Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I first thought that they were lilies, but they aren't. They are allium triquetrum or three-cornered leek. Can you believe that they are leek flowers?
Hi! I'm Kei Narujima. This is a blog about flowers/plants🌼and bugs🐛, and sometimes art and unique Japanese culture that make you smile or think (or so I hope)!! こんにちは。花や虫、そして時々日本の文化などについて書いてます😊。税務英語については https://zeimueigo.blogspot.com/ をご覧ください。
Aesculus × Carnea (Red Horse-Chestnut) 紅花栃の木(ベニバナトチノキ)
Hassaku Orange Tree Flowers 八朔の花
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
It smelled good there, like Daphne, but the Daphne season was over more than a month ago. So, I walked around and found the source. Hassaku orange flowers were in bloom, emitting a citrus aroma so strongly that I smelled it through a mask. After checking nobody was around me, I took off the mask for the first time in more than a year outside and breathed deeply!😉
Hassaku orange flower and bud 八朔の花 |
Capsella Bursa-Pastoris (Shepherd's Purse) 薺(ナズナ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is capsella bursa-pastoris or shepherd's purse. It's so tiny and cawaii!
This is capsella bursa-pastoris or shepherd's purse. It's so tiny and cawaii!
Styrax Japonicus (Japanese Snowbell) エゴノキ
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Many small buds were hanging from trees in my neighborhood. They were cream white and didn't much interest me, but one day the trees started to bloom, and the beautiful white color of the flowers caught my eye. They are styrax japonicus or Japanese snowbell.
Many small buds were hanging from trees in my neighborhood. They were cream white and didn't much interest me, but one day the trees started to bloom, and the beautiful white color of the flowers caught my eye. They are styrax japonicus or Japanese snowbell.
Echium Decaisnei エキウム・デカイスネイ
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Everyone has their preferences but I didn't know insects had, too. These flowers are echium decaisnei. You can see they're very popular among not only hoverflies but ants.
Everyone has their preferences but I didn't know insects had, too. These flowers are echium decaisnei. You can see they're very popular among not only hoverflies but ants.
Glandora Diffusa (Purple Gromwell) 深山蛍葛(ミヤマホタルカズラ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is glandora diffusa or commonly purple gromwell. The blue and purple flowers against the dark green leaves are beautiful!
This is glandora diffusa or commonly purple gromwell. The blue and purple flowers against the dark green leaves are beautiful!
I've taken photos of many plants recently, so sometimes I forget where I took them, like these pictures. There's a good thing, though. The color of the flowers has changed for the last two weeks, i.e., they were purple on April 9 while slightly bluish on April 26! Thanks to my forgetfulness, I was able to enjoy the beauty of gromwell twice😊
Glandora diffusa on 4/26 is bluish ミヤマホタルカズラ - 4月26日は青い |
Ajuga Decumbens 金瘡小草(キランソウ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Recently, I've always looked down for tiny flowers while walking. Then I found this, ajuga decumbens. The purple flowers against the dark green leaves are so beautiful!
Recently, I've always looked down for tiny flowers while walking. Then I found this, ajuga decumbens. The purple flowers against the dark green leaves are so beautiful!
Trifolium Dubium (Lesser Trefoil) 米粒詰草(コメツブツメクサ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is trifolium dubium or lesser trefoil.
This is trifolium dubium or lesser trefoil.
Geranium Carolinianum (Carolina Cranesbill) 亜米利加風露(アメリカフウロ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is another tiny and cawaii plant, i.e., geranium carolinianum or commonly Carolina cranesbill.
This is another tiny and cawaii plant, i.e., geranium carolinianum or commonly Carolina cranesbill.
Scutellaria (Skullcaps) 立浪草(タツナミソウ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is scutellaria or commonly skullcaps. Not only the pale purple color but also its shape is pretty!
This is scutellaria or commonly skullcaps. Not only the pale purple color but also its shape is pretty!
Pseudocydonia Sinensis (Chinese Quince) Fruit 花梨(カリン)の実
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
About a week ago, I wrote about the flowers of pseudocydonia sinensis (Chinese quince), and now I'm writing about the fruits of Chinese quince.
About a week ago, I wrote about the flowers of pseudocydonia sinensis (Chinese quince), and now I'm writing about the fruits of Chinese quince.
A pseudocydonia sinensis or Chinese quince fruit 花梨の実 |
Double Flowered Clematis 八重咲きのクレマチス
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
The pale purple color caught my eye. This is double-flowered clematis.
Oxalis Debilis (Pink Woodsorrel) 紫酢漿草
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is oxalis debilis or commonly pink woodsorrel, the fourth woodsorrel I've found in my neighborhood following:
This is oxalis debilis or commonly pink woodsorrel, the fourth woodsorrel I've found in my neighborhood following:
Viburnum Plicatum (Japanese Snowball) 大手毬(オオデマリ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I first thought that they were "silly" hydrangeas flowering too early. I took many pictures of them, went home and started writing about them, then I found it. It wasn't them but me who was silly. They aren't hydrangeas but viburnum plicatum or Japanese snowball!
I first thought that they were "silly" hydrangeas flowering too early. I took many pictures of them, went home and started writing about them, then I found it. It wasn't them but me who was silly. They aren't hydrangeas but viburnum plicatum or Japanese snowball!
Bletilla Striata (Hyacinth Orchid) 紫蘭(シラン)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is bletilla striata, or commonly hyacinth orchid or Chinese ground orchid in the garden of the Parliamentary Museum in Tokyo and in my neighborhood. The pinkish purple against the green leaves is so beautiful.
This is bletilla striata, or commonly hyacinth orchid or Chinese ground orchid in the garden of the Parliamentary Museum in Tokyo and in my neighborhood. The pinkish purple against the green leaves is so beautiful.
Is Wild Strawberry Green Because the "Little Lady" Works From Home? 野イチゴが熟してないのは「おばあさん」のせい?
Veronica Arvensis (Corn Speedwell) 立ち犬の陰嚢(タチイヌノフグリ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is veronica arvensis or more commonly corn speedwell. By comparing it with common vetch (in the second photo), you can see how corn speedwell is tiny! It's as cawaii as trigonotis peduncularis!
This is veronica arvensis or more commonly corn speedwell. By comparing it with common vetch (in the second photo), you can see how corn speedwell is tiny! It's as cawaii as trigonotis peduncularis!
Veronica Persica (Persian Speedwell) オオイヌノフグリ
Wisteria Floribunda (Japanese Wisteria) in Hie Jinja Shrine 赤坂日枝神社の藤
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
They are wisteria floribunda (Japanese wisteria) in Hie Jinja shrine, Akasaka Tokyo.
They are wisteria floribunda (Japanese wisteria) in Hie Jinja shrine, Akasaka Tokyo.
Trigonotis Peduncularis 胡瓜草(キュウリグサ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Finally, I was able to see this tiny flower, trigonotis peduncularis or cucumber herb.
Finally, I was able to see this tiny flower, trigonotis peduncularis or cucumber herb.
Cornus Florida (Flowering Dogwood) 花水木(ハナミズキ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
They are cornus florida or dogwood flowers in red, white, cream white and yellowish green.
They are cornus florida or dogwood flowers in red, white, cream white and yellowish green.
Oxalis Corniculata (Creeping Woodsorrel) and Oxalis Corniculata Forma Rubrifolia (Creeping Red Woodsorrel) 酢漿草(カタバミ)と赤酢漿草
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I wrote about oxalis or wood sorrels a few days ago. Then after that, I found this oxalis corniculata or creeping woodsorrel, which are also conspicuous for the bright yellow color, but much smaller than usual wood sorrels. And then I found another oxalis, i.e., oxalis corniculata forma rubrifolia or creeping red woodsorrel (see the third photo), whose petals are also bright yellow but leaves are dark red.
Parliamentary Museum Has Azalea and Cherry 憲政記念館のツツジと桜
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I saw people coming out of a building across the street near the National Diet Building. I also saw trees with white flowers and green leaves inside the premises. Naturally I got closer to it, finding that that is the Parliamentary Museum.
Dandelion and Hoverfly タンポポとアブ
Hie Jinja Shrine 赤坂日枝神社
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Japan lifted the state of emergency on March 21 but has implemented measures for preventing the spread of Covid-19 effective as of April 12. This means that nothing has changed since this January for people in Tokyo. They're no longer under the state of emergency but are still strongly urged to stay at home unless for essential reasons. So, last Saturday (April 10), i.e., after the lifting of the state of emergency and immediately before the measures coming into force, I went to Hie Jinja shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo.
Japan lifted the state of emergency on March 21 but has implemented measures for preventing the spread of Covid-19 effective as of April 12. This means that nothing has changed since this January for people in Tokyo. They're no longer under the state of emergency but are still strongly urged to stay at home unless for essential reasons. So, last Saturday (April 10), i.e., after the lifting of the state of emergency and immediately before the measures coming into force, I went to Hie Jinja shrine in Akasaka, Tokyo.
Silene Gallica (Common Catchfly) 白花マンテマ
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is silene gallica or common catchfly. The flower is so tiny, about 1 cm in diameter!!
This is silene gallica or common catchfly. The flower is so tiny, about 1 cm in diameter!!
Netsuke "Cut Piece: Apple" 根付「端材リンゴ」
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Do you know how to be fit and healthy? That's easy! Eat an apple (or apple slices) every day with peel and core like this netsuke "Cut Piece: Apple" made by Akira Kuroiwa from ivory, lacquer, and gold!!
Oxalis Stricta (Yellow Woodsorrel) オキザリス
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I go out for a walk everyday at around 6 a.m., so some flowers are still asleep. That day, I went out at around noon, finding another face of oxalis stricta or yellow woodsorrels.
I go out for a walk everyday at around 6 a.m., so some flowers are still asleep. That day, I went out at around noon, finding another face of oxalis stricta or yellow woodsorrels.
Nuttallanthus Canadensis (Blue Toadflax) 松葉雲蘭(マツバウンラン)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is nuttallanthus canadensis or blue toadflax. Although much taller, the flower looks like cymbalaria muralis (ivy-leaved toadflax) I wrote several days ago! Both are so tiny, but each creating a complete world😊
This is nuttallanthus canadensis or blue toadflax. Although much taller, the flower looks like cymbalaria muralis (ivy-leaved toadflax) I wrote several days ago! Both are so tiny, but each creating a complete world😊
Green/Red Cherry (Gioiko) Blossoms 御衣黄は赤い!
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I usually write one post about one flower, but the color change of cerasus sato-zakura group 'Gioiko' Koidz from yellow to the green/pink as shown in the photos below is too beautiful to be disregarded!
Kerria Japonica Ordinary, 'Pleniflora' and 'Variegata' 山吹(ヤマブキ)- 一重、八重、斑入り
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
A few days ago, I was excited to find kerria japonica or Japanese kerria, but today I was more excited because I found beside the ordinary Japanese kerria, kerria japonica ‘Variegata’ and kerria japonica 'Pleniflora.'
Prunus Spachiana (Weeping Cherry) 枝垂桜(シダレザクラ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
These trees are prunus spachiana or weeping cherry in my neighborhood. I waited for them to fully bloom for nearly a month, but that seems unlikely.
Cerasus Jamasakura (Mountain Cherry) 山桜(ヤマザクラ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
This is cerasus jamasakura var. jamasakura or mountain cherry. To tell you the truth, I can't tell this cherry from prunus lannesiana 'Sekiyama' (Kanzan cherry) or other similar cherry flowers. I googled to learn about their differences but only found that mountain cherry is wild cherry while sato cherry being cultivars of mountain cherry for cherry blossom viewing. Without a tree tag, I would have assumed this was Kanzan cherry.
This is cerasus jamasakura var. jamasakura or mountain cherry. To tell you the truth, I can't tell this cherry from prunus lannesiana 'Sekiyama' (Kanzan cherry) or other similar cherry flowers. I googled to learn about their differences but only found that mountain cherry is wild cherry while sato cherry being cultivars of mountain cherry for cherry blossom viewing. Without a tree tag, I would have assumed this was Kanzan cherry.
Cerasus jamasakura var. jamasakura 山桜 |
Narcissus Cheerfulness 八重咲き水仙 チアフルネス
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I was walking as usual on the street and felt something different. Several daffodils are double-flowered. They are narcissus cheerfulness.
Cerasus Subhirtella (Miq.) - Beginning of End of Winter Cherry Blossoms.... 冬桜の終焉
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Finally, finally, the end of cerasus subhirtella (miq.) or winter cherry is coming. I've been monitoring these cherry trees since last October.
Cymbalaria Muralis (Ivy-Leaved Toadflax) 蔦葉海蘭(ツタバウンラン)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
These 1 cm long flowers are cymbalaria muralis or more commonly ivy-leaved toadflax, Kenilworth ivy, coliseum ivy, Oxford ivy, mother of thousands, pennywort, or wandering sailor. Wow, too many names for such tiny flowers!
These 1 cm long flowers are cymbalaria muralis or more commonly ivy-leaved toadflax, Kenilworth ivy, coliseum ivy, Oxford ivy, mother of thousands, pennywort, or wandering sailor. Wow, too many names for such tiny flowers!
Prunus Lannesiana 'Sekiyama' (Kanzan Cherry) 関山(カンザン)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I thought the cherry blossom season was over, but look at these beautiful pink blossoms! They are prunus lannesiana cv. Sekiyama or Kanzan cherry.
I thought the cherry blossom season was over, but look at these beautiful pink blossoms! They are prunus lannesiana cv. Sekiyama or Kanzan cherry.
Netsuke "Catnap" 根付「うたたね」
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Are you sleepy? Maybe that's because it's spring. If you're sleepy only when working, "Giddy Up!"
Orychophragmus Violaceus (Chinese Violet Cress) 大紫羅欄花(オオアラセイトウ)
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
Everyone in Tokyo National Museum looked up, appreciating the beauty of cherry blossoms, while only I looked down because all my attention was on these violet blue flowers. They are orychophragmus violaceus or Chinese violet cress. So pretty!!
Everyone in Tokyo National Museum looked up, appreciating the beauty of cherry blossoms, while only I looked down because all my attention was on these violet blue flowers. They are orychophragmus violaceus or Chinese violet cress. So pretty!!
Yellow Cherry😲 (Cerasus Sato-Zakura Group 'Gioiko' Koidz) 黄緑の桜😲「御衣黄」
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。
I couldn't believe my eyes😲! Do you know that there are yellowish green cherry blossoms? I saw them! In my neighborhood! They are cerasus sato-zakura group 'Gioiko' Koidz or Gioiko cherry.
I couldn't believe my eyes😲! Do you know that there are yellowish green cherry blossoms? I saw them! In my neighborhood! They are cerasus sato-zakura group 'Gioiko' Koidz or Gioiko cherry.
投稿 (Atom)
Rose-Gold Pussy Willow (Salix Gracilistyla) ネコヤナギ(猫柳)
英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I've heard of the plant many times but actually saw one for the first time. This is a rose-gold pussy willow (Salix graci...
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。 I read "A Pale View of Hills" by Kazuo Ishiguro a few years ago. The book was my second...
Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。 This is prunus persica in Tokyo National Museum . The branches weep down to the ground and the flow...