Hydrangea and Kyoto Way of Enjoying A Season 紫陽花の走り、旬、名残り

Japanese follows English. 英語の後に日本語が続きます。

I've enjoyed hydrangeas the most this year as shown in the following posts:

- May 4   White and Lime Green Hydrangeas
- May 21 Lacecap Hydrangea
- May 23 Mophead Hydrangea
- June 3   Lacecap Hydrangea Colors Change
- June 5   Red Mophead Hydrangea
- June 6   Oakleaf hydrangea

And the white and pale lime green ones below I saw a few days ago should be the last ones (for this year).

Mophead white 白い紫陽花

Pale lime green is pretty, too! ライム色もきれい!

People in Japan enjoy many things often in three phases, i.e., early, mid and late seasons, and this is especially true of seasonal delicacies. For example, sardines are in season from June to October, but those caught at the beginning of the rainy season (i.e., in June), known as "rainy season sardines," are deliciously fatty and highly valued for sushi, tempura, and sashimi.

Mr. Hisashi Kashiwai, a Kyoto local dentist and author, said in a book that "Tokyo people prefer delicacies in early season while Kyoto people in late season."

I don't know if this is true, but writing about seasonal delicacies makes me want to eat sardine sushi badly. I haven't been able to go to my favorite sushi restaurant since the COVID-19 outbreak....😭

Back to the original topic, I've enjoyed hydrangeas fully this year through these three phases. And the last ones being also white and pale lime green as those I found at the beginning of the season made me happy!!

Now seeing hydrangeas, most of which are dying, makes me a little sad and think what I will be doing when they bloom next year....

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White and Lime Green Hydrangeas 白とライムグリーンの紫陽花(5月4日)
Lacecap Hydrangea ガクアジサイ(5月21日)
Mophead Hydrangea 丸い紫陽花は「もじゃもじゃヘア」(5月23日)
Lacecap Hydrangea Colors Change 額紫陽花の七変化(6月3日)
Round Ball Shaped Hydrangeas こんもり紫陽花がいっぱい!(6月11日)





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