This is a netsuke in the shape of a demon mask carved from ivory I saw late March in Tokyo National Museum. On April 25, Japan declared a state of emergency for Tokyo and nearby areas, so since then the museum has been closed. The 3 cm long sculpture is a gift from Seinosuke Go, and no mention was made of the sculptor.
A netsuke "Demon mask" 鬼面牙彫根付 |
A netsuke is a small carved ornament, especially of ivory or wood, worn as part of Japanese traditional dress as a toggle by which an article may be attached to the sash of a kimono. (Source: Lexico)
Netsuke always intrigues me with its miniature but perfect and sometimes funny and cawaii world.
- Netsuke "Nue" (Legendary Monster😱)
If you love netsuke, read the following posts, too!
- Symbol of Peace? - Netsuke & Halloween
- Japanese Saying: Netsuke Titled "A-Hum"!
- Netsuke - Japanese Lovelorn Ghost Puts a Curse Saying "Urameshiya..."
- Kawaii Two-Legged Yokai Goblin Netsuke Sculpture
- Kawaii Netsuke Jedi
- Watermelon Netsuke Carving With Makie Lacquer Painting
- Netsuke - Jurojin God
- Netsuke - Dog Days
- Netsuke - Muskmelon
- Netsuke and Jello - Goldfish
- Netsuke/Ojime - Wild Boar, Baby Boars
- Gourds in Various Forms - Netsuke, Pickle.....
- Netsuke - Sheep
- Netsuke - Boss
- Netsuke - Fukurokuju God
- Netsuke - Japanese Lovelorn Ghost Puts a Curse Saying "Urameshiya..."
- Kawaii Two-Legged Yokai Goblin Netsuke Sculpture
- Kawaii Netsuke Jedi
- Watermelon Netsuke Carving With Makie Lacquer Painting
- Netsuke - Jurojin God
- Netsuke - Dog Days
- Netsuke - Muskmelon
- Netsuke and Jello - Goldfish
- Netsuke/Ojime - Wild Boar, Baby Boars
- Gourds in Various Forms - Netsuke, Pickle.....
- Netsuke - Sheep
- Netsuke - Boss
- Netsuke - Fukurokuju God
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3月末に東京国立博物館に展示されていた根付「鬼面牙彫根付」です。象牙製で、郷誠之助氏からの寄贈品です。鬼面とありますが、このとぼけた顔。かわいいと思うのは私だけでしょうか😆 根付のちっちゃいけど完璧な世界にいつも魅了されています。
- 根付「うたたね」
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